CLIM 614
Land-Climate Interactions
Interdisciplinary graduate course, required for MS and PhD students in the Climate Dynamics program. Surface energy and water balance over land with radiative and turbulent transfer. Introduces numerical techniques for modeling land surface and applications in weather, climate, and hydrologic forecasting and simulation. Land surface modeling including sensitivity experiments to reinforce theoretical concepts. Exposure to contemporary research through reading and reviewing seminal journal papers, class projects..

CLIM 429
Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Required for BS students in the Atmospheric Science program. Thermodynamics of the atmosphere for upper-level undergraduates, required course for Atmospheric Science majors. Properties of dry and moist air, air parcel as a thermodynamic system, atmospheric stability and convection, cloud formation and stability indices.
CLIM 408
Senior Research
Required for BS students in the Atmospheric Science program. Independent research on a project in numerical, experimental, observational, or theoretical atmospheric or climate-related topics. A written report on the project is required. Specialized Designation: Writing Intensive Course in Major

CLIM 997
Doctoral Qualification
Required for PhD students in the Climate Dynamics program. Students develop a project that demonstrates their potential to do scientific research. Each student either proposes a research project, or submits an original manuscript that is suitable for a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the subject area of Climate Dynamics.